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This legacy will be buried with me Indian Hyderabad only radio mechanic


This legacy will be buried with me Indian Hyderabad only radio mechanic
This legacy will be buried with me Indian Hyderabad only radio mechanic

According to Moinuddin, the owner of a shop called 'Mahboob Radio Service' in the southern city of Hyderabad, India, this is the only shop in Hyderabad where people from the country and abroad come to get their old radios repaired.

No matter how advanced technology is, some old things always look good. Radio is also one of them.

Although radios have been replaced by mobile phones these days, old-fashioned radios still tug at the heartstrings.

There is a shop called 'Mahboob Radio Service' in Chhatta Bazar area of ​​the southern city of Hyderabad in India, where the old melodious music of the radio still resonates. Here, radio sets that have become completely useless or rare are repaired.

This shop is full of broken and rare radio sets and tape recorders dating back a hundred years. Radios from brands such as Murphy, HMV, Marconi, Philips, Normandy German, Grundig and Busch line the shop's shelves, reminiscent of the past.

Mohammad Moinuddin is seen repairing radios at this shop in the morning and evening. He told Independent Urdu that the shop is named after his father, who started it in 1910.

According to Moinuddin: 'At that time only a few selected Nawabs of Hyderabad used to have radio. When there was something wrong with the radio, he used to bring it to my father to have it fixed.'

Muhammad Moeen's shop looks like junk, but it has a history wrapped inside it 

He says that this is the only shop in Hyderabad where people from the country and abroad come to repair old radios. There is no dearth of vintage radio lovers. Many people come to the shop and demand old-fashioned radios.'

According to Moinuddin: 'There was a time when radio was the only source of news and entertainment. People were so crazy about the radio that they kept it on a shelf and gathered around to listen to it. Be it cricket commentary or domestic and foreign news, people seemed excited to listen.

'We were proud to confirm a news that we heard on the radio. Now times have changed, the age of radio is over. Everything is now accessible at the fingertips. You can watch and listen whatever you want with the help of mobile phone, laptop, computer. Now radio is limited to listening to songs on FM

Reminiscing the past, 

Mohammad Moinuddin said that when Hitler was in Germany, people used to come to his shop to listen to Hitler's speeches.

Mohammad Moin is keeping his father's legacy alive but he is worried about who will take over the legacy after his death.

He said: 'Since this business is winding down, in view of which I could have taken up another business, but I did not. I preferred to manage my father's legacy. I will keep this legacy alive as long as I live.

"With my death, this legacy will be buried, because children are now attracted to new technologies."

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