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If Benazir smiling face was not seen closely

If Benazir smiling face was not seen closely
 If Benazir smiling face was not seen closely 

When we got a lift home from a friend late at night after work, it felt like we had missed a lot.

Former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was shot dead in Rawalpindi on December 27, 2007 

December 27, 2007, Thursday started out as a normal day for me, but an extraordinary incident that occurred that day left an imprint on my mind that has faded with time but may never be erased. can

When he reached the office like normal days, he found out that the former Prime Minister of the country, Benazir Bhutto, had a meeting with the then President of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai, who was visiting Islamabad. The president was staying.

Before I reached an upper floor of the hotel where Karzai was staying, the meeting between the two leaders had already started and I waited like the other journalists there.

After some time, Benazir along with two senior leaders of her party Amin Fahim, Anwar Baig and security personnel reached the lobby of the hotel where the media was waiting for her. proceed to

 I wanted to talk to him separately for a few minutes about the political situation and the elections scheduled for a few days later, but he smiled and said that one day he left in a black car. He did not know that he would never get a chance to talk to them again.

In the afternoon of the same day, 

Benazir Bhutto was also to address a rally at Liaquat Bagh in Rawalpindi in connection with the election campaign. My duty did not include it at first, but I had to see what I had to do and then I went to Liaquat Bagh.

Parked the car near Rawalpindi Chandni Chowk area because I was afraid that I would go ahead and get stuck in the traffic and it would be too late to return.

The meeting hall was full of people of the People's Party, Benazir Bhutto was seen from a distance wearing a blue dress and a white dupatta and a garland of flowers around her neck which was worn on her arrival at Liaquat Bagh.

 There were passionate speeches and I still remember one of the last few sentences of Benazir Bhutto's speech 'The honor of this country is our honour.'

 The meeting ended peacefully, 

Benazir also left, the rest of the people also started leaving, I also felt that my work for the day was also over.

I did not know by which way Benazir had to go back and it seemed that she would leave Rawalpindi in a few minutes and I was chatting with some acquaintances outside the meeting hall when I came to know. There was an explosion and then there was a stampede.

After a few minutes, it was found that the target of the blast was Benazir and according to the preliminary information, she was seriously injured and she was shifted to the Central Hospital, then the next destination was the Central Hospital where it was confirmed after some time that Benazir no longer lives in this place.

The workers of his party and the local and some other leaders present had moist eyes and deep depression on their faces.

After some time there were reports of protests and then decided to leave the hospital to see and report on the situation in the city.

By the time I reached my car, the scope of the protest had increased, the road had been blocked at some places and there were reports of stone pelting.

When he started traveling towards Islamabad along with the cameraman of the office, around two dozen angry people threatened to block the road and break the car at two places, but after persuasion, something was said and he left Rawalpindi. .

When I entered the federal capital, the first thing that came to my mind was to get petrol, there were no protests in this city, but the markets and petrol pumps were closed and the little petrol that was there was also lost in the search for oil.

The car reached the office with difficulty and found a space in the car park to keep it safe.

After reaching the office, the work started again on the news related to Benazir's life. was

Well, when we got a lift home from a friend late at night after work, it seemed like we had lost a lot.

Till that time I was not fully aware of how intense the protests have become across the country and how much damage has been done to our Pakistan.

Even in the house Benazir was mentioned and the events related to that day were being talked about.

On that day and for several days after that, one thing remained in my mind that if I had not seen Benazir's smiling face on the morning of December 27,

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