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School friend suddenly found

School friend suddenly found
School friend suddenly found

When the judge and the criminal recognized each other, their reactions went viral

Often there are some videos and pictures on social media that surprise everyone.

In this news of our, we will tell you about the same.

A video that went viral on social media caught everyone's attention when a judge and the culprit happened to be students of the same class.

 In the video of the camera installed during the court proceedings, it can be seen that the female judge starts the proceedings and looks at the criminal. At first, she did not have any doubts, but when the female judge read the documents of the criminal, she suddenly became suspicious.

As if she knew that the culprit was the one she used to sit with in the class.

 And then the female judge dared to ask if you know me. At which the criminal was surprised, at first he did not understand, but when the female judge told that there was a girl in the school, the female judge also recalled a memory that both of them remembered. Tears came.

 He just couldn't control his emotions and cried profusely, perhaps realizing how embarrassed he was.

 The video garnered a lot of attention on social media, even though they were students of the same class, the lady judge brought the proceedings to a logical conclusion.

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