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Winter Detox Recipes

In general, we cannot concentrate during the day by waking up tired during the winter months and we have difficulty in losing weight. We are very lucky to have antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables in the winter season. We can purify our body by detoxing with winter vegetables and fruits. Today we researched winter detox recipes for you.

So what is detox?

Winter Detox Recipes
Winter Detox Recipes

Detox means getting rid of some harmful substances. While detoxing, we should turn to foods and drinks with high antioxidant content.

Then we prepared winter detox recipes that will wake us up from hibernation and make our bodies feel calmer and fitter.

Come on by the power of winter vegetables :)

Detox Winter Tea 

Indispensable in winter: Detox Winter Tea

Ingredients for Detox Winter Tea

  •  2-3 cloves of finely chopped garlic
  •  4-5 thin slices of fresh ginger
  •  1 pinch of linden
  •  2 glasses of water
  •  2 teaspoons of pine honey
  •  Half a lemon

Making Detox Winter Tea

Add garlic, ginger and linden into the water and bring to a boil. After it boils, take it off the stove and let it sit for another 2-3 minutes. Then strain it into a mug and add honey and lemon.

Beet Salad

A delicious salad that you can't give up once you try it: Beet Salad

Ingredients for Beet Salad

  •  3-4 leaves of navel lettuce
  •  5-6 sprigs of Mediterranean parsley
  •  5-6 sprigs of dill
  •  6-7 sprigs of lamb's ear
  •  2 sprigs of basil
  •  2 sprigs of fresh thyme
  •  2 sprigs of fresh mint
  •  1 glass of boiled beetroot
For sauce

  •  Juice of 1/3 orange
  •  Juice of 1/3 grapefruit
  •  Juice of 1/2 lemon
  •  2 tablespoons of beet juice
  •  3 tablespoons of olive oil
  •  1 flat teaspoon of salt
  •  3 tablespoons of roasted sesame seeds (for topping)

Beet Salad Preparation

Chop the navel salad, Mediterranean parsley, dill, basil, sorrel, fresh thyme and fresh mint. Chop the lightly boiled beets into cubes. Put the chopped materials in the bowl and add the sauce mixture you prepared. And mix your salad with its dressing and optionally sprinkle sesame on it. Enjoy your meal.

Beet Salad Preparation

Beet Salad Preparation

Cauliflower Soup  

Try cauliflower like this: Cauliflower Soup

Ingredients for Cauliflower Soup

  •  1 small cauliflower
  •  1 medium potato
  •  1 medium onion
  •   2 celery stalks
  •   3 tablespoons of olive oil
  •   4 glasses of hot broth
  •   1 tablespoon of butter
  •   1 tablespoon of flour
  •   1.5 glass of milk
  •   1/2 teaspoon of salt
  •   1/2 teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper

For Service

  • 1/4 bunch of dill
  • 1 glass of dried bread

Making the Cauliflower Soup

Shorten the stems of the cauliflower you have separated from the flowers. Then cut the potatoes and onions into large chunks. Finely chop the celery stalk as well. Saute the cauliflower, potato, onion and celery stalk pieces in olive oil until they turn a light color. Add the hot broth to the sautéed vegetables and boil for 20 minutes on medium heat. Melt the butter in a separate pan and add the flour and fry over low heat. Add cold water slowly and mix with a whisk until the sauce thickens. Add the mixture you prepared to the vegetables boiled in the broth. Add salt and black pepper, cook for another 5 minutes and remove from the stove. Enjoy your meal.

Making the Cauliflower Soup
Making the Cauliflower Soup

Green Detox 

Very useful for fat burning: Green Detox

Ingredients for Green Detox

  •  1 lime
  •  3 tomatoes
  •  2 cucumbers
  •  8 cabbage leaves
  •  3 stalks of celery
  •  1 piece of ginger (according to desire)

How to Make a Green Detox

Peel the lemon. Slice the lemon, tomato and cucumber. Blend the limes, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage and celery in a blender. Enjoy your meal.

How to Make a Green Detox
How to Make a Green Detox

Spinach Omelet  

You will love it! Indispensable for your breakfast tables with its flavor and plenty of vitamins: Spinach Omelette 

Ingredients for Spinach Omelet

  •  3 eggs
  •  2 teaspoons of milk
  •  1.5 teaspoons of salt
  •  1 teaspoon of coarsely ground black pepper
  •  1 teaspoon of butter
  •  1/4 bunch of baby spinach (cucumber, small and baby spinach or
  •  50 grams of grated cheddar cheese)

Making Spinach Omelet

Beat the eggs in a bowl. Add milk while whisking and continue whisking. Then add salt and pepper to the mixture and let it rest in the refrigerator for 5 minutes. Saute the spinach in a pan. Heat the pan and melt the butter. Add the mixture to the pan and close the lid of the pan and cook on low heat for 3 minutes. Add the spinach sauté and cheddar you prepared, cover one side of the omelet over the other side with the help of a spatula and cook for another 2-3 minutes. Enjoy your meal.

Making Spinach Omelet
Making Spinach Omelet

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